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Pooja Remedy Services

Pooja is a process of worshipping god in a systematic manner according to Vedas and Shastras written by our ancestors. They play an important role in the Hindu religious system. An idol is used for performing pooja and worshiped by chanting sacred chants. The remedies offered through pooja leaves satisfaction and contentment to the one who has conducted. Therefore, our panditji would suggest a suitable puja according to need.

An auspicious date is fixed for performing the remedy pooja and a matra is recited a certain number of times. Along with-it various offerings are made such as milk, ghee, sweets, flowers, camphor, and coconut. These are termed as Shodasa Upacharas and through this, one may attain faith and trust and seeks salvation. This can ward off all kinds of evils and negative aspects and helps in attaining the ultimate goal of life.

Pooja remedy services are offered by us to counteract the negative elements and influenced by the positioning of the planets. This is again decided based on the horoscope and the cause of certain problems can be understood. Several Hindu poojas are designed and when performed along with homa can result in positive attributes. Offering food along with the pooja is more auspicious which would be suggested by our panditji.

The offerings are specific according to the pooja which may even include dakshina and vastra dan. There are several positive influences when one does all these rituals in the house or temple. This can even enhance the inner strength and confidence and in certain cases it may take time to obtain the results but they are certain for sure. Therefore, contact us for immediate religious help or pooja remedy services.