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Jyotish Gemstones are Genuine & 100% Natural

Astrovedicgems.com provides gemstones that are untreated and unheated. Our Jyotish Gemstones are not enhanced or chemically colored and hence we offer you gemstones in its most genuine form. Gemstones that we provide are quite rare to find because as per an analysis, about 97% of gemstones provided by many other gemstones’ provider are either treated or enhanced by human beings. Artificially enhanced gemstones are fully avoidable for the Jyotish purposes and that is why Astrovedicgems.com is widely preferred by Astrologers.

Enchanting Natural Gemstones with Finest Cutting, Clarity & Color

Fine Cutting

Astrovedicgems.com includes lapidary artists who are well experienced and adept in precious gemstones’ cutting and hence with them, fashioning of rough natural gemstones into a properly finished shape, cut and size gemstone is guaranteed in the most appealing way. Proper and effective cutting of gemstone maximizes its display of dispersion, color and visual brilliance. For the Jyotish Gemstones, it is highly essential that gems be well cut jewel that are sparkling, pleasing and soothing to heart.

Crystal Clear Clarity

We provide flawless natural gemstones as our experts are well aware about the allowable type, size, weight, and placement of included material as per the specification of each gemstone. They know about the allowable tolerance of each gemstones for inclusions, as flaws within a gemstones can drastically influence their value. Our experts also pay attention for the freedom from all the eye-visible flaws within a gemstone and we are also well known for providing freedom from black inclusions even at the 10-20x magnification quite efficiently.

Nevertheless, there are some included materials that are desirable and within allowed parameters, some kinds of inclusions are highly essential too. Our experts are well aware of those inclusions that differentiate natural mined gemstone from man-made gemstones. Inclusion also establishes the country of origin of gemstone and we do it in the most guaranteed manner, which lets us provide gemstones with crystal clear purity.

Naturally Appealing Color

The color of a gemstone is related to the desired effect, and hence color of gems tell about the quality of gemstone. Astrovedicgems.com provides gemstones of finest naturality appealing modifying shades and enchanting tone.

Perfect Conglomeration of Life Quality to give you Blissful Feel

The most important attributes of a fines Jyotish Gemstone is it’s Sweetness (Sattva), which is understood as the a conglomeration of all the qualities along with the inclusion of Life Quality. The life quality of gemstones goes beyond the physical measures as it has spiritual significance and it channelizes healing energy in you. Life quality of our Jyotish Gemstones is preferred for rejuvenating life of human beings.